Episode lll - The Wonka Vision Transpo stemmed from a dream I had about 3 years ago. What you see on this video is exactly how it was envisioned. I woke up perplexed and quickly started devising ways to create this impossible dream card effect. After a few failed attempts I achieved my goal. Little did I know this effect would turn into a landmark in my magic career. I have performed this for thousands of people at corporate events, bars, bar mitzfahs, company picnics, grad nights, restaurants, and other parties. There are 2 versions to this effect. One method is built and is equipped with an awesome clean up while the other method is earned through a bit of practice using all sleight of hand. Both are equally deceptive. I usually close my routines with this effect. In the 1971 movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Mike TV gets teleported in the Wonka Vision machine. The cards will do the same thing. Welcome to the Wonka Vision Transpo.
*Note: It is recommended to learn Venus Trap prior to learning the Wonka Vision Transpo.*